Saturday, March 26, 2011

Large tonsils and snoring

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Symptoms include: difficulty breathing during sleep, snoring, or mouth breathing during sleep. Q: My daughter is 5 years old and her tonsils are very large. I went to a ENT specialist and he said that while I do have large tonsils and a slightly deviated septum sp? , if I didn't snore before. On a regular basis, large obstructive tonsils which may cause snoring . If tonsils are very large, speech may be different post- operatively. Long soft palate and /or uvula: A soft palate or a long uvula the dangling tissue in back of the. The main causes of snoring in children are large tonsils and adenoid tissue. Mouth breathing and snoring due to adenoid is common in children but since the.

Tonsils and adenoids adenoids are glands located inside of your head, near the inner. DS will be 4 in March and has very large tonsils. Also, children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore. Overweight people may have excess soft tissue in the neck that. In children, 95% of snoring is due to large t onsils or large adenoids, often both. Snoring itself in children has been linked to behavioral, memory and concentration. The newest surgical procedure for snoring and sleep apnea is.

It also occurs if there is excessive bulkiness of the throat tissues that is large tonsils and adenoids. Enlarged soft tissues in the throat area. However, children with large tonsils may have frequent sore throats and ear infections or have nightly breathing problems-snoring and sleep apnea. If your sleep has ever been disturbed by the sound of someone's snoring. People who snore may suffer from a throat problem: Children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore. I looked at her tonsils and they. In adults there are many possible causes for snoring. Snoring: Due to an obstructed air passage caused by enlarged tonsils, snoring may be one of the symptoms in many children suffering from recurrent.

Large tonsils in a year-old girl: is tonsillectomy necessary? He said that larg e tonsils can be a major cause of snoring - indeed, the most successful snoring operations are in adults with huge tonsils. This happens when the flow of air is disrupted, such as when the tonsils or adenoids are large. My son who will be 3 in Dec has just been diagnosed with sleep apnea due to enlarged Tonsils and adenoids snoring & labored breathing. In children, large tonsils are a common cause of snoring. Enlarged or swollen tonsils or adenoids may cause a person to snore. Some people have enlarged tonsils, a large tongue or some other tissues.

How is sleep apnea diagnosed? If the doctor observes large tonsils and adenoids in combination with symptoms such as snoring, observed apnea and sleepiness. Some orthodontists believe chronic mouth breathing from large tonsils and. Very large tonsils may be normal and chronically infected. He snores like a freight train, and his tonsils are. An examination will reveal if the snoring is caused by nasal blockage, sinusitis , enlarged tonsils and adenoids, or some other nose and throat problem. She has a hard time breathing and snores a lot. Enlarged tonsils and adenoids are the primary cause of snoring. Excessive bulkiness of throat tissue: Children with large tonsils and adenoids often snore. Tonsils, like the adenoids and the lymph glands, are composed of lymphatic tissue. As most of you know, Justin is going in next week to have his tonsils removed.

This may lead to snoring or even sleep apnea in these children. Every time I bring him to the doctor, they remark on how large they are, and when I brush. Kids who snore often suffer from tonsillitis; they may recover from tonsillitis. Sometimes some baby are born like that but other than that.