Monday, March 28, 2011

What meds can cause sleep apnea

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Central sleep apnea can also exacerbate other disorders. Opioid-based pain medications may cause sleep apnea, according to an. Sleep apnea can cause insomnia, high blood pressure, stroke. This narrows the airways and can cause sleep apnea. Sleep disorders and other sleep problems cause more than just sleepiness. Sleep apnea can be successfully treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. These substances can interfere with.

These common sleep disorders and disturbances may be symptoms of. Numerous studies show t hat untreated sleep apnea causes. With stimulant properties that can cause insomnia. Can Depression Cause Sleep Apnea? I'm a sleep tech and have never heard of those meds causing sleep apnea. Include antibiotics and other medications depending on the cause. Stages and can thus cause sleep disorders or exacerbate the effect of chronic illnesses on sleep. This repetitive scaring can cause obstructions in the airways. Constipation can cause discomfort that can disturb sleep. Antiasthmatic, and antiparkinson medications can also cause sleep disturbances.

Sleeping medications can worsen sleep apnea by relaxing throat muscles too much. Sleeping at a high altitude also may cause central sleep apnea. Diabetes can also cause night sweats. One common cause of obstructive sleep apnea is enlarged tonsils or. Because these drugs also may induce or aggravate sleep apnea in some cases. It also can make traveling difficult and can cause depression. Risk factors for Sleep apnea · Medications that may cause Sleep apnea. Some things can trigger more frequent nightmares, including certain medications. Excessive daytime sleepiness can be caused both by the direct effects of sedative medications used to induce sleep and by stimulants which can disrupt sleep. Drug Or Substance Induced Central Sleep Apnea.

Alcohol and certain medications may also cause sleepiness, as can depression and certain illnesses. A study by a Utah clinical research lab shows an unexpected life-threatening side effect from pain medications. One Day at a Time · 5 Acid Reflux Medications: Which One Is Best for You? Your risk for side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the medications. The link between depression, a mood disorder consisting of prolonged sadness, reduced self-worth, changes in sleep. Remember that sleep apnea occurs in thin people as well; the airway can. In general, sleeping pills and sleep medications are most effective when. And although antiparkinson' ;s medications are known to cause sleep disturbances.

Medications, including some blood pressure medications, can also cause. Obstructions that cause breathing to stop completely for at least ten seconds. Opiods and methodone like substances can induce central sleep apnea. Your physician can provide relevant diagnosis, prescribe medications and/or put you. Obstructive sleep apnea can also be associated with long-term. Drug-Induced: Another form of central apnea is caused by medications such. Possible causes of central sleep apnea include other disorders, and treating. There are several causes of sleep apnea. Many different types of medications are available to treat pulmonary hypertension. Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can cause fatal heart problems, so it's crucial to stick with your.

But, large percentage of children with ADHD who are not on medications. What substances can cause nightmares? Can Hypothyroidism Cause Sleep Apnea? In addition, med ications taken regularly may lose their effect over time. Ironically depression and anxiety can cause some sleep disorders. As this eMedTV article explains, causes of sleep apnea include blockage of the throat. If drugs or drug abuse is causing the CSA, a switch in medications and/or a refrain from. In central sleep apnea, the effects of sleep alone can remove the brain's mandate for the body to. Medications like Acetazolamide lower blood pH and encourage respiration. Illnesses and drugs that can cause osteoporosis.

At worst, central sleep apnea may cause sudden death. Serious forms of sleep apnea can increase the risk of diabetes. Some causes are common over-the-counter and prescription medications. Avoid sleeping in positions that cause you to snore and have sleep apnea, especially lying on your back.